11th CEE Procurement & Supply Forum

Cracow (Krakau) I 29th - 30th September 2025

Save the date for your supplier search in +15 countries

11th CEE Procurement & Supply Forum connects buyers and suppliers

Find suppliers in Eastern Europe! The 11th edition of the CEE Forum combines discussions about how buyers should tackle sourcing in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and what suppliers can learn from that, with effective B2B matchmaking by bringing together buyers and suppliers. The CEE Forum connects buying with supplying companies and vendors from more than +15 countries.

More information and registration on B2B Event Page:

Direct link to event page: www.bmematchmaking.com

In the conference part of the CEE Procurement and Supply Forum, renowned procurement experts from the region will present and discuss current developments and trends in Eastern Europe.

The afternoon is dedicated to finding new business partners. Purchasing managers can meet suppliers of their choice in individual B2B matchmaking meetings. The selection will be made using BME International's proven B2B matching process. The event, in partnership with AHK Poland as well as AHK network from the whole Central Eastern Europe, will be accompanied by a get-together .

Finding suitable suppliers in Eastern Europe 

The supplier search is based on buyers' individual needs, which will be communicated to suppliers from more than 15 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Buyers can select suppliers and either additionally book an individual table to meet them in pre-scheduled B2B meetings or reserve a meet & greet table, where meeting times are not planned in advance. With the BME Sourcing Guarantee, participants take no risk - if less than 4 suitable suppliers are found, interested parties can cancel their participation free of charge.

For detailed information and registration please visit the event page:

11th CEE Procurement & Supply Forum (bmematchmaking.com)

The CEE Forum in Budapest (2024) was a great sucess for us as a supplier and opened valuable perspectives for future opportunities

SKYATEC Systeme, Komponenten, Anwendungstechnologie GmbHSupplier | Location: Romania

Excellent organization and good set-up for B2B meetings and networking. I liked the open and positive atmosphere.

Klaus Lawory, Vice President Procurement, Kirchhoff Automotive Deutschland GmbH

For participation & information

Lisa ImmensackSenior International Project Managerin+49 6196 5828-345lisa.immensack@bme.de
Joanna ChrzanowskaInternational Project Managerin +49 6196 5828-186joanna.chrzanowska@bme.de
Roland KnoorSales DirectorSponsoring+49 6196 5828-113roland.knoor@bme.de